logo giulia segatori
immagine drawithme
“Una sola app per creare, condividere e vendere disegni”
Starting point
Drawith.me’s founder had crystal clear ideas about the functionalities that he wanted inside his app. He just didn’t know how to fit them inside the interface. Infact, a drawing editor isn’t an easy thing to ideate.
Ideate, prototype, iterate & repeat.
drawith.me paper project
Drawith.me’s users are mostly artists that want to draw, share and sell their creations, all in one place. Also, it had to include a section that allows the users to draw in one project at the same time.
immagine interfaccia drawithmeimmagine interfaccia manda link drawithme
Style guide
drawithme palette
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUWYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890
Poppins thin
Poppins extralight
Poppins light
Poppins regular
Poppins medium
Poppins semibold
Poppins bold
Poppins extrabold
Poppins black
drawithme pulsanti
Mockups made with Figma
© 2021 - All rights reserved to Giulia Segatori